Make Money Online With Python

6 ways to diversify your income and get on the path to financial freedom

Samu Kaarlela


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

When you put time and effort into learning a skill there’s a point where you’ll want to get rewarded. For many learning to code, the eventual goal is a high-paying job. What most don’t know, is that there are plenty of ways to earn some cash on the side.

Most of these venues can also earn you quite a significant sum of money. If you manage to do these while working a job you’ll be well on your way to early retirement.

I don’t want to waste your time, so here are the six methods I’ll be going over:

  1. Freelancing
  2. Programming contests
  3. Become a tutor
  4. Make a Youtube channel
  5. Write a blog
  6. Create a product

I’ll also link some helpful resources with each section. In the end, I’ll also tell you which one is my personal recommendation. With that said, let’s get onto the first way to make money.


If you’re serious about earning money with Python, and you know you have the skills required, freelancing is the best way to go.

For those that aren’t familiar, freelancing is the act of offering yourself as a programmer to a company or an individual. You’ll usually be hired to do small projects or even singular tasks. Sometimes bigger companies will even use freelancing websites to look for potential employees.

One of the biggest benefits that freelancing offers is the freedom and control you have. You get to decide how much you want to charge and what kind of tasks you want to complete.

Working for individuals also brings with it the benefit of having more flexibility. For example, I’ve done a few gigs where I was able to negotiate the pay to be in cryptocurrency. It’s also possible to do work to get a percentage of the product’s earnings.

Some of the best freelancing sites include:

I recommend you to check out freelancing as it can be a highly educational experience on top of earning you money.

Programming contests

Sites like Kaggle, Topcoder, Hackerrank offer coding contests with varying amounts of prizes. The prizes can range from just a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands.

The best thing about programming contests is the fact that you gain value every time. Even if you don’t win you’ll hone your skills. That means that with each competition you take part in the chance of you winning goes up. Winning some of these competitions can also be great marks for your CV.

It’s also still a good idea to join contests even if you’re a beginner. You most likely won’t win, but the experience and practical skills you’ll learn will be invaluable.

The best coding contests are held on:

Teaching others (tutor, Youtube, courses)

These days there are a lot of people that want to become programmers. That means ample opportunities for people willing to teach others. Python’s massive popularity and beginner-friendliness mean that there are even more opportunities.

Many sites allow you to make your own courses, which people then pay to take part in. If you’re good enough to make the front page on some bigger sites you can make a lot of passive income.

Websites to start teaching your own courses include:

If making courses doesn’t fit your style you can also start your own Youtube channel. Youtube has become the default learning platform for a lot of people. That means massive earning potential for you. The great thing about Youtube is that the barrier of entry is very low. You can get started with a decent microphone and some free editing software.

Youtube will also open you to sponsorships and other big opportunities, which can snowball into a lot of revenue.

Writing a blog

Websites like medium have made starting a blog incredibly easy. All you need is to make an account and start writing. The biggest benefit of blogs is that you have a lot of freedom to write about whatever you like.

On top of writing guides, you can also write an article about some new interesting technology or a project you recently finished.

There’s also the option to make your own website with something like and start running the blog yourself. This way you have a lot more control over the entire website and a lot of room to expand if you build a big audience. You’ll also keep every single cent of your earnings.

Creating a product

This final option is perhaps the most lucrative out of any listed here. Using your skills to create a product that others will be either excited to use or willing to buy can get net you more than most full-time jobs do.

Python is such a versatile language that you can create almost any product you want to and start earning money off of it. You can also enlist the help of others or join someone else’s project.

Either way, if you find a good target audience you can start earning some serious cash.

A fully developed and shipped successful product also looks amazing on your CV. This means that a single project could be getting you tens of thousands every month, and on top of that set you for a top salary job.


On top of all the things, I’ve listed there are endless opportunities on the internet to use your skills to make money. You can also use your creativity to find a whole new market no one else has tapped into yet.

As I promised in the beginning I’ll also say which one of these is my personal favorite. And for me, it’s by far freelancing. While product development might earn you more cash, freelancing is much more reliable and steady. I love being able to determine exactly what I wanna get paid and what type of projects I want to work on.



Samu Kaarlela
Writer for

I write about data science and health, sometimes combining the two. Hold every day as a new opportunity to learn.